Roma for the World – Streetwear Handmade by Roma Women
Hlavní tvář kolekce je Ondra Tomáš, výjimečně talentovaný mladý boxer z Brna. Ondra je zároveň jedním z talentů podporovaných The Rose from Concrete v projekte Young Roma Talents.

Young Roma Talents
The aim of the Young Roma Talents project is to discover and support young talented Roma from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Jan Bendig as the Face of Footshop's Proud Drop
Collection "Equal as Fuck" featured Romani singer Jan Bendig as the face of the collection.

Transformation of the Intersection in Košice
The aim of the project Slow Down was to increase pedestrian safety around the roundabout in the city center of Košice through street art.

Inclusion of Roma models in Footshop
Together with Footshop, we believe that even a small step, like featuring minority representatives in product photos, can significantly contribute to their inclusion in society.